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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

National Network of Partnership Schools






The Carolina Family Engagement Center has engaged with the National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) at Johns Hopkins University through many of our school partners since 2018. Our involvement with NNPS provides partner schools and districts with the highest quality, research-based support for the development of strong and productive connections between schools, families, and communities. Research indicates that learners are most successful when their families and communities are supportive of and involved in the work of the schools. 

The benefit to schools and districts is that they are provided intensive training in the National Network’s goal-driven action plan model and associated practices that meet requirements defined by ESEA Title 1 legislation. CFEC partner schools and districts that choose to participate have continuous access to family and community engagement support services offered by both Johns Hopkins and the Carolina Family Engagement Center. 

NNPS website 

NNPS Leadership Institute 
Online-March 17, 18, 25, 2022 
For district, organization, and state leaders 

This intensive workshop prepares district and organization Leaders for Partnerships to guide schools in building sustainable, goal-linked programs of school, family, and community partnerships. NNPS defines a leader or facilitator as a specialist who supports school-based Action Teams for Partnerships (ATPs) so that they build their capacities to organize and continually improve their programs of family and community engagement. 

The Leadership Institute also welcomes state leaders who will prepare district leaders to strengthen goal-linked partnership programs at the district and school levels. 

NNPS Annual Update Report 

NNPS membership form 


We are a small district; do we have to become NNPS members as a district and as individual schools?  

The district membership fee is waived in the following 2 scenarios: 1) If the district and the school is one in the same (such as a charter or community school) only one $500.00 membership fee is required. 2) The district has only one or two schools in it, but the district is another entity. In this case, the district would join for free and only the school membership fees are required. The number of schools joining x $500.00.