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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Family Partners

CFEC logoFamily Engagement and Families

The Carolina Family Engagement Center aims to help families engage in effective school-family-community partnerships and in their children’s learning using evidence-based practices linked to improved achievement and development. CFEC will also work with families in their role as informed participants in decisions regarding their children’s education and in the development of school, district, and state policies, plans, and programs.

CFEC Regional Liaisons will work with some 24 schools statewide for four years beginning in fall 2019 to develop, implement, and evaluate individualized school family engagement plans that support existing school climate and student achievement goals.


Parent Leadership Partners program

CFEC aims to strengthen the abilities of families to take greater leadership roles in their children's education and build relationships with other parents through its Parent Leadership Partners (PLP) program. Parents are positioned to learn new strategies, build leadership skills, and be equipped to more effectively advocate for their children, families, and communities.